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本主题被查看27786次, 共4个帖子
标题: hello,i am fresh man!!!
UID: 2509
精华: 0
积分: 41
帖子: 31
注册: 2008/3/17 2:54:00
状态: 离线
威望: 10.00
金钱: 4.25 元
2008/3/17 2:59:00
hello,i am fresh man!!!
i find a diecutting job!but i don't know detail of bobst sp 102 1who can teach me,thank you very much!

本主题被查看27786次, 共4个帖子

标题: hello,i am fresh man!!!
i find a diecutting job!but i don't know detail of     (dalianair 发表于 2008/3/17 2:59:00)
   **头雾水     (lovelaughsky 发表于 2008/3/28 8:49:00)
   sorry!buddy!i want to learn how to do with BOBST S     (dalianair 发表于 2008/4/17 8:57:00)
   machine model? it's strange to me!     (awen309227 发表于 2009/6/24 12:51:00)

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